This is my portrait collection as Kittyzkatz on the Emerald ocean. Kitty was my very first pirate, and though I rarely play her now, she will always remain dear to my heart. Kitty was very proud of memorizing all of the Emerald ocean. Kitty was a very cute pirate, but this caused her to often get tarted on the docks by male pirates. Getting tired of this, I created Grumpygrampz, the ugliest, baldest, creepiest old pirate I could make, and started playing with him. Yay! No more tarting! But I missed playing as a girl (and all of the way better clothing options!), so I created Greylady. She had white hair, and a name that discouraged youngsters from tarting. Though the tarting didn’t stop completely, she was able to play (mostly) without being bothered, so I played Kitty less and less often until I eventually moved Greylady to the Meridian ocean. There Grey found a home and Kitty moved into semi-retirement.

This is a collection of portraits I commissioned as Grumpygrampz on the Emerald ocean. As Grumpy I became known for planking crew mates who would hop aboard my ship as I was memorizing the ocean, even after announcing that I was memming in crew chat! Thus Grumpy earned his name – and soon everyone in the crew learned to ask before hopping aboard one of Grumpy’s ships. Ah, nothing like a good planking in the morning! I miss those days!

This is a collection of portraits that I commissioned as Greylady on the Emerald ocean. I began my pirating career on Emerald as Kittyzkatz. After a while I created Greylady. She became my art pirate, and was the character I used to create most of my pirate art for the Forum contests. Greylady eventually moved to the Malachite ocean (now Meridian) where she remained happily for many years. After the ocean merger in January 2012, Greylady moved to the Cerulean ocean as Greyladyy. Here she remains today, and shall until the oceans sink into Davey Jones Locker.

This is a collection of portraits that I commissioned on Meridian as Greylady. I spent the majority of my pirate career sailing on the Meridian ocean. Prior to the ocean merger in January 2012 it was rather sparsely populated, but this allowed the pirates to get to know one another better than on the more populous oceans. The islands were also less built up, creating a more beautiful environment. After the merger, I began spending more and more time playing on the Cerulean ocean, and today Cerulean has become my home ocean.

This is a collection of all of the portraits I have commissioned on the Cerulean Ocean as Greyladyy. I began seriously playing on this ocean in January 2012 after the oceans merged from six oceans to three. I found my old ocean, Malachite, which had merged with Viridian to become Meridian, was no longer the small, intimate setting it had once been. I found that Cerulean was much closer in feel to Malachite than the new Meridian ocean, so I claimed Cerulean as my new home. An added bonus was that the majority of forum artist seemed to belong to Cerulean, making the transition from Meridian even easier.